An athletic trainer by the name of Rob recently left a story on reddit about his encounter with Kobe Bryant during their midnight training sessions.
Kobe Bryant has shown that no matter how good you are, you should never settle if you want to stay consistently on top.
When you read the story of Kobe Bryant’s unbelievable dedication, you will then understand why he is such a great basketball player.
Kobe has proven to the world that legends aren’t born, they’re made!
“I’ve been a professional athletic trainer for about 16 years and have been able to work with a range of athletes from the high school to professional level. Right now I run in a clinic in Cincinnati and have most recently been training with some players on the Bengals.
Let me just state by saying that this story doesn’t touch on anything we don’t know about Kobe Bryant but rather that he simply is not human when he is working on his craft.
I was invited to Las Vegas two summers ago to help Team USA with their conditioning before they head off to London, and as we know they would eventually bring home the Gold (USA). I’ve had the opportunity to work with Carmelo Anthony and Dwyane Wade in the past but this would be my first interaction with Kobe. We first met three days before the first scrimmage, on the day of the first practice, early July. It was a brief conversation where we talked about conditioning, where he would like to be by the end of the summer, and we talked a little bit about the hustle of the Select Team. Then he got my number and I let him know that if he ever wanted some extra training he could hit me up any time.
The night before the first scrimmage I remember I had just watched “Casablanca” for the first time and it was about 3:30 AM. I lay in bed, slowly fading away when I hear my cell ring. It was Kobe. I nervously picked up.
“Hey, uhh Rob, I hope I’m not disturbing anything right?”
“Uhh no, what’s up Kob?”
“Just wondering if you could just help me out with some conditioning work, that’s all.”
I checked my clock. 4:15 AM.
“Yeah sure, I’ll see you in the facility in a bit.”
It took me about twenty minutes to get my gear and out of the hotel. When I arrived and opened the room to the main practice floor I saw Kobe. Alone. He was drenched in sweat as if he had just taken a swim. It wasn’t even 5AM.
We did some conditioning work for the next hour and fifteen minutes. Then we entered the weight room, where he would do a multitude of strength training exercises for the next 45 minutes. After that we parted ways and he went back to the practice floor to shoot. I went back to the hotel and crashed. Wow.
I was expected to be at the floor again at about 11 AM. I woke up feeling sleepy, drowsy, and almost pretty much every side effect of sleep deprivation. Thanks, Kobe. I had a bagel and headed to the practice facility.
This next part I remember very vividly. All the Team USA playerswere there, feeling good for the first scrimmage. LeBron was talking to Carmelo if I remember correctly and Coach Krzyzewski was trying to explain something to Kevin Durant. On the right side of the practice facility was Kobe by himself shooting jumpers. And this is how our next conversation went — I went over to him, patted him on the back and said, “Good work this morning.”
“Like, the conditioning. Good work.”
“Oh. Yeah, thanks Rob. I really appreciate it.”
“So when did you finish?”
“Finish what?”
“Getting your shots up. What time did you leave the facility?”
“Oh just now. I wanted 800 makes so yeah, just now.”
My jaw dropped. Mother of holy God. It was then that I realized that there’s no surprise to why he’s been as effective as he was last season.
Every story about his dedication, every quote that he’s said about hard work all came together and hit me like a train. It’s no surprise to me now that he’s dunking on players ten years younger than him.
“I don’t want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.” –Kobe Bryant
Thanks for reading and allowing me to share you my Kobe Bryant story.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Monday, 24 November 2014
Outrage in Ferguson, New York as grand jury fails to indict Darren Wilson
Police Officer Darren Wilson — the suburban St. Louis patrolman who killed unarmed teenager Michael Brown in early August - will not face criminal charges in the controversial shooting death, a grand jury has decided.
Wilson, who is white, became a national figure after he shot the black 18-year-old multiple times in broad daylight on a residential street. The grand jury deliberated for months and Ferguson was rocked by violent protests in the immediate aftermath of the shooting.
The decision was announced by prosecuting attorney Robert McCulloch, who discussed the lengthy deliberation period of the grand jury citing consideration of differing witness reports as a one reason for the unusually long session.
He laid out their sessions by the numbers: the jurors met 25 times and spent hundreds of hours poring over evidence.
McCulloch also expressed condolences for the Brown family. "My heart goes out to them. The family is going to have a loss forever," he said.
On the whereabouts of Wilson, he said "I have no idea what his status us." Last week several media outlets reported that Wilson was preparing to resign. Had he been indicted, Wilson would have been required to turn himself into authorities immediately.
Ahead of Monday's announcement, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon made a plea for peace.
"Our shared hope and expectation is that regardless of the decision, people on all sides show tolerance, mutual respect and restraint," he said.
Meanwhile, officials in Clayton stepped up security measures erecting barricades around the courthouse to prepare for possible protests. A Yahoo News reporter spotted members of the National Guard arriving in military vehicles. Several Ferguson-area schools have announced they will be closed Tuesday.
“The men and women of the National Guard also will be in the area to provide security at critical facilities like firehouses, police stations and utility substations, and offer logistical and transportation support as needed. This will free up law enforcement officers to do their jobs effectively," Nixon said.
Demonstrators gathered ahead of the announcement holding signs, chanting and honking car horns.
The 12-member St. Louis County grand jury — which included one black man, two black women, six white men and three white women — has been hearing testimony since Aug. 20 to determine whether there was probable cause that Wilson had committed a crime.
Police experts have said officers generally have leeway to use lethal force if they reasonably fear they are in imminent danger.
The Aug. 9 shooting sparked protests and riots in the mostly black St. Louis suburb and fueled a nationwide debate on race, policing and justice.
“Regardless of the grand jury's decision, the Brown family and our legal team ask again for peace and calm, even though we understand people may have feelings of anger or disappointment,” Benjamin Crump, the family’s attorney, said in a statement prior to the announcement. “We encourage people to take their frustrations to the ballot box, not the streets.”
Brown, who graduated from high school in May, and his friend Dorian Johnson were walking down the middle of a two-lane street around noon, when Wilson encountered them in his marked police SUV.
[Related: Timeline of events after the death of Michael Brown]
Wilson, a Ferguson officer for three years, either asked or ordered the pair to get on the sidewalk. From there, accounts differ as to who instigated a scuffle between Wilson and Brown at the driver’s side door.
Johnson, 22, told investigators and reporters that Wilson was antagonistic toward them, abruptly backing up his SUV and throwing open the door, which bounced off Brown.
“He just reached his arm out the window and grabbed my friend around his neck, and he was trying to choke my friend,” Johnson told reporters after the shooting. “He was trying to get away, and the officer then reached out and grabbed his arm to pull him inside the car.”
Wilson, who has been on paid leave since the shooting, has not spoken publicly about what happened. However, he reportedly met with investigators on several occasions and testified before the grand jury for four hours — a move that surprised some legal experts, since he was not bound by law to go before the panel.
Ferguson police and the St. Louis County Police Department, the lead investigating agency, released sparse police reports about the shooting and have refused to provide details of their findings.
St. Louis County’s official autopsy on Brown’s body has not been made public, but the St. Louis Post-Dispatch obtained a copy from an anonymous source and published it on Oct. 22. The autopsy included a summary from Detective Patrick J. Hokamp’s preliminary investigation of the shooting.
“The deceased became belligerent towards Officer Wilson,” the document states. “As Officer Wilson attempted to exit out of his patrol vehicle the deceased pushed his door shut and began to struggle with Officer Wilson, during the struggle the Officers weapon was un-holstered. The weapon discharged during the struggle.
“The deceased then ran down the roadway. Officer Wilson then began to chase the deceased. As he was giving chase to the deceased, the deceased turned around and ran towards Officer Wilson. Officer Wilson had his service weapon drawn, as the deceased began to run towards him, he discharged his service weapon several times.”
The county autopsy and a private exam commissioned by the teen’s family both concluded Brown was struck by six of Wilson’s shots, including a fatal hit to the top of the head. Other exit wounds and grazes were found on the teen’s head, upper body, arm and hand.
The injury to his right hand may have been of particular interest to the grand jury, since the county autopsy discovered it was inflicted at close range, possibly supporting Wilson’s account that there was a struggle for the gun in the police cruiser. Sources told the Post-Dispatch that Brown’s blood had been found on the officer’s gun.
Crump, the attorney for the Brown family, immediately downplayed the newspaper’s account.
“We are not surprised by the information leaked last night by the St. Louis Medical Examiner's office,” Crump said in a written statement. “Several independent witnesses indicated there was a brief altercation between Michael Brown and Officer Wilson at the patrol car. What we want to know is why Officer Wilson shot Michael Brown multiple times and killed him even though he was more than 20 feet away from his patrol car; this is the crux of the matter!”
The shooting scene unfolded on a neighborhood street amid a cluster of apartment buildings. A resident who lives in one of the apartments later turned over a purported audio recording of the shots being fired. Authorities have not disclosed how many times Wilson discharged his weapon, but veteran forensic audio expert Paul Ginsberg told Yahoo News that he heard 10 shots on the recording — “six shots, followed by very close to three seconds of pause, followed by four more shots.”
A shot that struck the back of the teen’s upper arm could support the statements of witnesses, including Johnson, who said Brown was hit from behind as he ran from the officer. Some of those witnesses reported that Brown then turned around and raised his hands in surrender when Wilson fired the fatal shots.
A federal investigation into whether Wilson violated Brown’s civil rights continues. The Department of Justice is also looking at how the entire Ferguson Police Department operates. The sweeping review is focusing on how officers use force and how they search and arrest suspects.
Source: Yahoo news
Wilson, who is white, became a national figure after he shot the black 18-year-old multiple times in broad daylight on a residential street. The grand jury deliberated for months and Ferguson was rocked by violent protests in the immediate aftermath of the shooting.
The decision was announced by prosecuting attorney Robert McCulloch, who discussed the lengthy deliberation period of the grand jury citing consideration of differing witness reports as a one reason for the unusually long session.
He laid out their sessions by the numbers: the jurors met 25 times and spent hundreds of hours poring over evidence.
McCulloch also expressed condolences for the Brown family. "My heart goes out to them. The family is going to have a loss forever," he said.
On the whereabouts of Wilson, he said "I have no idea what his status us." Last week several media outlets reported that Wilson was preparing to resign. Had he been indicted, Wilson would have been required to turn himself into authorities immediately.
Ahead of Monday's announcement, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon made a plea for peace.
"Our shared hope and expectation is that regardless of the decision, people on all sides show tolerance, mutual respect and restraint," he said.
Meanwhile, officials in Clayton stepped up security measures erecting barricades around the courthouse to prepare for possible protests. A Yahoo News reporter spotted members of the National Guard arriving in military vehicles. Several Ferguson-area schools have announced they will be closed Tuesday.
“The men and women of the National Guard also will be in the area to provide security at critical facilities like firehouses, police stations and utility substations, and offer logistical and transportation support as needed. This will free up law enforcement officers to do their jobs effectively," Nixon said.
Demonstrators gathered ahead of the announcement holding signs, chanting and honking car horns.
The 12-member St. Louis County grand jury — which included one black man, two black women, six white men and three white women — has been hearing testimony since Aug. 20 to determine whether there was probable cause that Wilson had committed a crime.
Police experts have said officers generally have leeway to use lethal force if they reasonably fear they are in imminent danger.
The Aug. 9 shooting sparked protests and riots in the mostly black St. Louis suburb and fueled a nationwide debate on race, policing and justice.
“Regardless of the grand jury's decision, the Brown family and our legal team ask again for peace and calm, even though we understand people may have feelings of anger or disappointment,” Benjamin Crump, the family’s attorney, said in a statement prior to the announcement. “We encourage people to take their frustrations to the ballot box, not the streets.”
Brown, who graduated from high school in May, and his friend Dorian Johnson were walking down the middle of a two-lane street around noon, when Wilson encountered them in his marked police SUV.
[Related: Timeline of events after the death of Michael Brown]
Wilson, a Ferguson officer for three years, either asked or ordered the pair to get on the sidewalk. From there, accounts differ as to who instigated a scuffle between Wilson and Brown at the driver’s side door.
Johnson, 22, told investigators and reporters that Wilson was antagonistic toward them, abruptly backing up his SUV and throwing open the door, which bounced off Brown.
“He just reached his arm out the window and grabbed my friend around his neck, and he was trying to choke my friend,” Johnson told reporters after the shooting. “He was trying to get away, and the officer then reached out and grabbed his arm to pull him inside the car.”
Wilson, who has been on paid leave since the shooting, has not spoken publicly about what happened. However, he reportedly met with investigators on several occasions and testified before the grand jury for four hours — a move that surprised some legal experts, since he was not bound by law to go before the panel.
Ferguson police and the St. Louis County Police Department, the lead investigating agency, released sparse police reports about the shooting and have refused to provide details of their findings.
St. Louis County’s official autopsy on Brown’s body has not been made public, but the St. Louis Post-Dispatch obtained a copy from an anonymous source and published it on Oct. 22. The autopsy included a summary from Detective Patrick J. Hokamp’s preliminary investigation of the shooting.
“The deceased became belligerent towards Officer Wilson,” the document states. “As Officer Wilson attempted to exit out of his patrol vehicle the deceased pushed his door shut and began to struggle with Officer Wilson, during the struggle the Officers weapon was un-holstered. The weapon discharged during the struggle.
“The deceased then ran down the roadway. Officer Wilson then began to chase the deceased. As he was giving chase to the deceased, the deceased turned around and ran towards Officer Wilson. Officer Wilson had his service weapon drawn, as the deceased began to run towards him, he discharged his service weapon several times.”
The county autopsy and a private exam commissioned by the teen’s family both concluded Brown was struck by six of Wilson’s shots, including a fatal hit to the top of the head. Other exit wounds and grazes were found on the teen’s head, upper body, arm and hand.
The injury to his right hand may have been of particular interest to the grand jury, since the county autopsy discovered it was inflicted at close range, possibly supporting Wilson’s account that there was a struggle for the gun in the police cruiser. Sources told the Post-Dispatch that Brown’s blood had been found on the officer’s gun.
Crump, the attorney for the Brown family, immediately downplayed the newspaper’s account.
“We are not surprised by the information leaked last night by the St. Louis Medical Examiner's office,” Crump said in a written statement. “Several independent witnesses indicated there was a brief altercation between Michael Brown and Officer Wilson at the patrol car. What we want to know is why Officer Wilson shot Michael Brown multiple times and killed him even though he was more than 20 feet away from his patrol car; this is the crux of the matter!”
The shooting scene unfolded on a neighborhood street amid a cluster of apartment buildings. A resident who lives in one of the apartments later turned over a purported audio recording of the shots being fired. Authorities have not disclosed how many times Wilson discharged his weapon, but veteran forensic audio expert Paul Ginsberg told Yahoo News that he heard 10 shots on the recording — “six shots, followed by very close to three seconds of pause, followed by four more shots.”
A shot that struck the back of the teen’s upper arm could support the statements of witnesses, including Johnson, who said Brown was hit from behind as he ran from the officer. Some of those witnesses reported that Brown then turned around and raised his hands in surrender when Wilson fired the fatal shots.
A federal investigation into whether Wilson violated Brown’s civil rights continues. The Department of Justice is also looking at how the entire Ferguson Police Department operates. The sweeping review is focusing on how officers use force and how they search and arrest suspects.
Source: Yahoo news
Saturday, 22 November 2014
That Notorious Gate in Abuja by Dele Momodu
Fellow Nigerians, today is one of those days that I don’t even know where to start from. I’m sure you won’t blame me for finding myself in this lethargic and somnambulist state. I feel like I’m in a trance with events spiraling out of control at the speed of light. But this incredible stories need to be told somehow. Man proposes but God disposes. I had planned to write on a different topic entirely and had even completed the mental draft before things started falling apart.
It seems I was in a spiritual mood from the beginning of this week and I just allowed myself to move as the spirit directed. My original plan was to leave London to Dubai on Tuesday and spend one night before connecting to Accra on Thursday morning but I changed plans at the last minute and decided to do an immediate connection from Dubai. It was to prove a fortuitous decision. I spent about four hours enjoying the bliss of Dubai on Wednesday morning as I marvelled at what transformation a visionary Leadership can achieve almost effortlessly. I had helped to market Dubai to Africans about 12 years ago at the invitation of British Trade Partners to Ovation International and I never cease to marvel at how much Dubai has changed since then. But that is another story for another day.
As I boarded the magnificent Emirates flight, little did I realise the shocker that awaited me. Just before the doors of the plane were shut, two Nigerians sauntered in from the blue and one of them turned out to be Nigeria’s only former military Head of State and Civilian President, the irrepressible General Olusegun Obasanjo, and his ubiquitous Personal Assistant, Alhaji Akande. As he sat down, I approached him calmly and despite our differences, prostrated to greet him as any well brought up man would do, shook hands and returned to my seat after a brief chat with his warm PA.
Of course, as a reporter, my journalistic antenna had instantly jolted into action. Since we were the only two people on the second row, it was a bit easy to accomplish my mission of observing a former President on an eight-hour commercial flight. I engaged in internal monologue and stream of consciousness: would he eat and drink like a normal civilian would do? Would he drink, sleep, and use the same washroom after flying Presidential jets for so long…?
It was an uncommon private glimpse of one of Africa’s most influential men. A few people who recognised him went to greet him, including the Emirates crew who had asked me if they could snap some pictures with him. Say what you will, former President Obasanjo is actually a very charismatic, intelligent and canny leader despite his rustic disposition. This accounts for the tremendous influence he wields on the Continent and indeed outside it. In addition, ladies in particular find him attractive and see in him traits of a strong man who brooks no nonsense. And one thing is certain, women are astute in unearthing, understanding and appreciating power and its source. I was very impressed with his cosmopolitan carriage and he was truly Presidential. He exuded an aura of intense confidence and you could not but feel his vibrations throughout the flight.
I was stunned at his capacity for hard-work as he was kept busy by calls after calls most of the flight. Emirates is in the vanguard of airlines in this regard, allowing you to make calls on your mobile phone during the flight. The former President was only able to take a short nap and ate some light meal. What I made of his many calls was that Obasanjo was controlling Nigeria from the skies of Middle East all the way to Africa. His attention was badly needed and I should have known that something serious was about to happen. For the only man in Nigeria’s history to have ruled as military Head of State for three years and eight years as civilian President, Obasanjo is too entrenched in every facet of Nigerian life to be ignored. His views are much sought after by both friends and foes alike. When he voices an opinion or in keeping with character delivers his usual epistle on aspects of the state of the nation, the country reverberates as if shaken by an earthquake.
Anyway, we landed safely and went our different ways. Within 24 hours, events began to unfold at almost the speed of light snowballing at an alarming rate into a final denouement that any producer of a tragic thriller would have been proud of.
First was the sad news from Ekiti State where seven members of The Ekiti State House of Assembly claimed to have impeached their Speaker in a House of 26 members. Like a macabre dance of masquerades we were informed that three other people whose identities remain a complete mystery sat with these legislators during their deliberations. This was probably to make up the numbers to form a quorum of nine members before any legal decision could be taken by the House. Just like that! Our LAWMAKERS will simply not learn the law. Or maybe they believe they are above the LAW. How many times does the Supreme Court have to pronounce that a farcical process like that can never be sustained because it is simply unconstitutional, null and void.
As if that was not bad enough, I watched our Brother the Governor of Ekiti State Ayo Fayose as he boasted on National Television that he supports the impeachment without apologies. He emphasised that “without apologies!” without any compunction! I shook my head sadly as I remembered how a few of us, strictly on matters of principle, had stood stoutly against the kangaroo decision that kicked him out of office. I remember how bitter he was at the time that Obasanjo had masterminded and orchestrated his impeachment. But strange are the ways of PDP because the same party that sacked him ignominiously has brought him back triumphantly. That is not my cup of tea but I thought we had passed this level of executive recklessness and impunity and that if one person had learnt a lesson it would be the new Governor of Ekiti State who was once a victim. Is this what inordinate ambition does to people? How can anyone with a sense of History ever imagine they can get away with this kind of hocus-pocus!
My frustration was further compounded by the lack of better explanation of the implication and repercussions of such audacious acts at this time and age. How could it be possible for a Governor to combine both executive and legislative powers simultaneously? Where are we headed with this type of unbridled rascality? How can seven people sack a man and his deputy supported by at least 17 other members against all known tenets of Democracy? When have ghosts resurrected to suddenly join in an impeachment process and as miraculously as they appeared evaporated and vanished into thin air? Indeed everything is possible in God’s own country, Nigeria.
As that Ekiti debacle was sinking in, something bigger and more combustive was brewing. According to reports, the President and Commander-in-Chief, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan had written to the National Assembly asking for an extension of the existing State of Emergency in three States. It is curious that the said letter was extended to the Speaker of The House of Representatives, Waziri Aminu Tambuwal, who had virtually been declared persona non grata since decamping from the ruling party PDP to the opposition APC. There is speculation and suspicion by conspiracy theorists that the President had been sold a decoy that it was possible to foxily impeach the Speaker by tricking him out of his recess by sending that Emergency letter which is obviously in respect of a matter of utmost national importance given the Boko Haram rampage and outrage in those States. The idea was to reopen the House and block the Speaker at the notorious gate where we were stopped and the Police threatened to shoot us when we demonstrated in defence of then Vice President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan against the cabal in 2010. As I watched the latest melodrama, memories of that gory experience flooded back to me. The Speaker who had previously been stripped of his official security without justification was kept at that gate for no justifiable reason. That was an outlandish joke carried too far.
The Speaker and his supporters were not fooled or caught napping. They were obviously many steps ahead of the game. If they had not forced their way in last Thursday, it is most likely that a few PDP loyalists would have sat like they did in Ekiti, attempted to do in Port Harcourt, and sack Speaker Tambuwal and dare him to go to court and spend eternity waiting for judgment and justice. It is a travesty and a sorry tale of how low we have descended that some people have had the temerity to condemn the Speaker’s conduct in not giving in to unabashed and shameless destruction of our constitution, our values and our democracy.
In any event they don’t seem to understand the well-tested aphorism that a bully only respects a bully and the child of fire is always sent to fire. It happened in Rivers where Governor Rotimi Amaechi would have been impeached if he had chosen to be a perfect gentleman. In a country where the Federal Government wields the power of life and death, and the Judiciary has been desecrated mercilessly, many have learnt to resort to self-help. It is such a terrible and horrifying development but that is the reality of our situation if our nascent democracy is to be protected and nurtured.
The Nigerian Police acted apparently in bad faith and obviously in malice in the partisan manner their officers blocked the Speaker from gaining access to his own office. It was a classic case of abuse of power. I felt ashamed on their behalf at their defence that they got a security report that hoodlums were going to invade the National Assembly. Nigerians are not so foolish to believe such a cock and bull story. I’ve watched the footage on Channels Television repeatedly and except our elected representatives are now being considered and referred to as thugs and hoodlums by the Nigeria Police, the justification is fantasy existing only in the minds of the police and those who provided this piece of “authoritative intelligence”. The way the Speaker and indeed all the legislators were treated was nothing short of totally scandalous. If his offence was decamping from PDP, how come the same party gloats whenever others abandon their parties to join them? It is the height of intimidation and oppression. All the Nigeria Police seem to have achieved is confirmation that the country needs a foil against their excesses and State Police appear necessary to checkmate such unbridled disregard for constituted authority.
However, I am sad by the fact that a few lawmakers went overboard by reacting in such violent manner that could have resulted in bodily injury to themselves and others. I commend the maturity of the Senate President, David Mark and the Speaker, Aminu Tambuwal in the face of what could have plunged Nigeria into total mayhem and bedlam. An assault against the Speaker is the same as that against the Senate President.
As usual, my biggest concern and advice is for President Jonathan. Sir, too many people are selling you lies and dummies at a premium. A good General should never fight on too many fronts. You are already too exposed on the fronts and flanks without adding any more.
The Presidential election is only three months away and what is most obvious is that many of your supporters are acting like you can win whether the opposition likes it or not. It is not going to be that easy. This moment requires utmost caution. I will humbly suggest again that Mr President should abandon those urging him to violently violate the Nigerian Constitution and trample on fellow citizens and leave them to their idiocy. They are present in every government at next to nothing. They are heating up the polity unnecessarily. They portend no good for you. Let them not be responsible for your downfall. If you must exit the stage, let it be with dignity and honour. Let history be kind to you. One thing is certain, none of those scurrilous advisers shooing you into these present follies will be charitable about you and your leadership when tomorrow. Not even the military regimes could cow Nigerians or sentence them to perpetual servitude. There is no point starting a war you can’t win as history has taught. Fate has been too kind to you.
Remain the master of your destiny, Mr President. God be with you, now and always.
Thursday, 20 November 2014
The Truth, Nothing but the Truth by Oby Ezekwesili
#What are asking for? #The Truth…Nothing But the truth!
If there is any currency that is in short supply in the governance of our country at the moment, it is Truth and invariably, trust. Trust that is founded on Truth is what ordinary citizens can repose in their government and leaders. The questions therefore are: Why did our government deliberately mislead the entire country and the whole world with that cheery but phantom news of ceasefire and the release of our Chibok Girls? And since then, have their parents who once again were let down, been contacted and offered emotional counseling as a number of them had been hospitalized for hypertension? Does the government realize the extent of the embarrassment that Nigerians now feel before the whole world and what damage they have done to their already eroded social capital? What point was the presidential campaign aide, lavishly reported in the media, making by audaciously telling Nigerians to “move on” because “the President would not wait endlessly for the return of more than 200 school girls abducted mid-April in Chibok?” Move on?
Hopefully, this campaign team will get to learn that many around the world are not moving on from the travails of the Chibok girls whose only “crime” was that they turned up in school to acquire education. While I do not believe that the president, as a father himself, would ever want to “move on” until he discharges his obligation to our #ChibokGirls, one considers the current jarring silence about their rescue not one bit golden. Citizens’ right to know should compel a speedy and truthful update on the status of efforts to rescue our girls.
However, there are other pertinent questions: What is really going on in Mubi, Gombe, Potiskum, Yola and all our territories in the North East? What went wrong with the intelligence arm of our security architecture? Since Truth begets Truth, our federal government needs to know that more citizens are today traumatized by the daily killings and maiming as well as the abductions of our people and the annexation by the insurgents of some of our national territorial space.
We are puzzled by the many things which do not add up in our country today and we demand for the TRUTH regarding our counter insurgency strategy. On the loss of territories, a recent analysis puts the land area under Boko Haram control as equivalent to the size of three of our 36 states. How can that be? What exactly is being done to reclaim those territories beyond assurances? On the bombing that killed over 40 school children on the spot and rendered several others injured, what exactly are the authorities doing beyond empty lamentations that go on in parri passu with political jamboree?
It is indeed noteworthy that Nigerians now lament the elite and governance failures that have robbed our nation of the glory days of our relatively strong military and superb intelligence capabilities. Yet it is only systemic corruption that could render an institution prostrate and unwittingly empower a band of renegades to become some sort of “Goliath army” that now daily terrorizes us in our own land. That also explains the perennial failure of government to deliver basic services to the larger number.
There is no sobering symbol of this failure than the governance crisis that has reduced Nigeria to a country which cannot at this time safeguard the future of her children who risk being killed whenever they turn up in school within the North-east zone. I recall that between 2006 and 2007, available data revealed how far behind the rest of Nigeria the North-east was on school enrollment, transition and completion; and so we designed and implemented a number of common sense policies and funding interventions to help improve their performance.
Even at that time, the situation was more terrible for girls. Using our inclusion, gender and equity pillar, we pointed out to parents and their school age children the evidence they could easily relate to around them which reveal the tremendous social and economic mobility that access to education has offered people all over the world. Throughout history, education has been, and remains even now, the best form of equality of opportunity that every society can offer its citizens. Therefore, removing obstacles in the way of those thirsty for knowledge is easily the most important role of government in equalizing opportunity.
If a country really wishes to close all gaps that manifest in inequalities among different groups and segments, it places education at the center of development. Unfortunately, when our children show up in schools in Borno, Yobe, Adamawa and now Gombe States to obtain knowledge, they face the risk of being killed, injured or abducted. Have members of our political elite of all hues and colour given sufficient thoughts to the fact that our failure to secure our children amounts to asking them to either forget about education or surrender themselves to be killed or abducted? We need an answer for this question and the Truth, nothing but the Truth.
In February 2014, insurgents struck at the Federal Government College, Buni Yadi and killed 49 school boys; nothing happened. Two months later, perhaps seeing how unconcerned our power elite were about their fellow citizens; the insurgents scaled up their operation by abducting 276 girls from their secondary school in Chibok, Borno State. That number is almost five times the number of boys they had earlier killed without consequence in Buni Yadi and although 57 of the girls managed to courageously escape, there are still 219 Chibok girls yet to be accounted for.
However, the Chibok Girls abduction became a major turning point. This time around, some of our citizens decided that “enough is enough” and that they would act together to compel those with the constitutional responsibility to act on behalf of the girls in distress to do so. Nearly 200 days after, we continue to hold our daily solidarity gatherings at the Unity Fountain. That the assemblage is made up of people from all walks of life, ethnicity, religion; political, economic and social divide is very telling of citizens’ resolve. Today, these Nigerians are eager to unravel the truth behind the failures that have cost us several thousands of lives only in 2014 alone and that keep our ChibokGirls still captive on this Day 213 of their abduction.
In February this year, I put the issues clearly before the members of our political class and what I said back then still resonates today: “Terrorists became emboldened by the absence of our political class across the entire spectrum of political leadership who decided to “play their normal politics” with the blood of the poor. The blood soaked land is convulsing…Is it therefore not unconscionable that in the over nearly three years of rising trend of terrorist attacks against whole communities in the central and north eastern states of Nigeria where our kith and kin have regularly been slaughtered in cold blood; the milk of empathy has not yet flowed from our Elders in the Land in the entire political spectrum to suspend ‘transactional politicking’ and build a united front against this newest common enemy?”
“Is it not unconscionable that despite the massive public resources committed to security spending, the government has failed to inspire confidence in majority of our people who are practically left to their own devices? In shock, Nigerians have wondered whether our political class which carries on with politicking to ‘capture or retain power’ is comfortable to govern communities of the dead, the maimed and the psychologically traumatised. Is it not time for all our political leaders to pay that utmost sacrifice of leadership- lay down their personal gain for the good of the people they wish to lead?”
Like James Garfield once said, "the truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable".So, we shall never stop asking for the Truth from our government; the Truth, nothing but the Truth. We shall ask until our #ChibokGirls are brought back home and alive…We shall ask until all of North East zone is reclaimed and peace is restored to our land…We shall ask until the professional integrity of our hitherto globally-respected military is restored. We shall ask until every Nigerian feels safe and secure again in our land.
For those who ask about what we demand as we stand daily for our 219 daughters, the answer is simple: The Truth, nothing but the Truth! #BringBackOurGirlsNowAndAlive! The Offices of the Citizens are now activated.
“…SO WHY DIE SUCH A TRAGIC DEATH?” by Sunday Adelaja (upgraded and expanded)
The need to write this article after the video of a similar title was released on social media, arose because of so many requests by friends and followers of our ministry. Many, who don`t have access to the internet could not download the video, but preferred to have the message in text form. I also think it is proper to upgrade my statement in this article by establishing some of the points scripturally. From the comments I have been receiving on my social media pages I understand that many Christians do not seem to see the Biblical perspective of my submissions. I therefore wish to encourage everyone to finish reading this article even if you have watched the video, since some of the fundamental principles that were not in the video will be reviewed in this article. Thank you for your understanding. Enjoy your read.
I am a covenant brother to Dr. Myles Munroe, therefore I am compelled to respond to the numerous insinuations that have been raised from many people regarding the circumstances of his home going. As covenant people, we know that the conditions and terms of a covenant require that one party stands for the other if the need arises. I therefore wish to give a comprehensive explanation to what I think God is trying to tell us through the death of Dr. Myles Munroe and his entourage. I am also sure that this article will go a long way to support and encourage people everywhere, who have lost or will lose their loved ones either by tragic or controversial circumstances. One of the questions that surfaces on a daily basis in the minds of Christians worldwide is; how is it possible that brothers and sisters that have served God all their lives can suffer and die in a controversial or even tragic manner.
I have been hearing comments after Dr. Munroe’s home going, and many people both sincere Christians, cynics and unbelievers are asking the same question:
How is it possible that Dr. Myles could die such a tragic death?
How could a man that has given his life to serve the Lord, die in such a way?
How can it be that Christians who serve God faithfully, who are not living an ungodly lifestyle, can lose their lives in such a tragic way like a plane crash?
Well, if this question only came from cynics and critics I would not have bothered to respond. However, even members of my own church and so many other sincere Christians were asking the same questions, so I decided to respond.
I feel in my heart that it is my responsibility to answer a few of the emerging questions. Why? Because I am a covenant brother to Dr. Myles Munroe. According to the conditions of this covenant, I am compelled to respond. The terms of our covenant compel me to answer where a brother can no longer speak for himself.
I believe the scripture below will shed some light on all these questions.
The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come. (Isaiah 57:1)
The reality of death (especially for the believer) is to set the spirit man free from the captivity of the body. Therefore, it really doesn’t matter the nature of the incident that releases your spirit from that bondage. That body that you have left behind is merely a “shell” and it actually returns to the dust. It actually doesn’t matter so much to God and it doesn’t really matter to the person involved “how” it happened.
So as Christians it is rather irrelevant to be overly concerned about how a person came to their end in this life. God knows better! We however must understand that sometimes our religious upbringing and our religious dogma is where the problem is. God’s perspective on death is different from ours.
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. (Psalm 116:15)
From this scripture we see that the death of God`s saints (or children) is always PRECIOUS in God`s sight. Therefore, here we can see that what makes the death of a saint precious is not the way they died or how long they lived, but the fact that they are “saints”, and the fact that they are coming home. The death of the saints is always precious in the eye of the Lord even if the saint is young, middle aged or aged. In God`s eyes it is still something very precious.
Another perspective on the tragic death of Christians and God`s servants is revealed to us in Isaiah 57:1:
The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come. (Isaiah 57:1)
In this scripture, we see that the Lord is speaking about the type of death that Dr. Munroe died - a tragic death.
“The righteous perisheth…” refers to a tragic death as with Dr. Munroe and his team members. The dictionary meaning for the word “perish” is “to suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden or untimely way” which is exactly what we have been talking about. So we see that God makes provision for such a death in the scriptures. The importance that God attaches to this scripture is to diffuse confusion about such death and to bring understanding to His people.
“…and no man layeth it to heart…” this statement denotes lack of understanding and confusion from people. God knows people may not understand why things like this should happen and they will question and query God on the matter - especially the religious mind who will not understand such a tragic death in comparison to Abraham who lived for so long and died peacefully. Why would God allow His servant to die in any other way than Abraham or Jacob? Could a good God be so inconsistent and unjust to “repay” faithful servants with tragic death?
This is what makes our God a God of unsearchable wisdom, a God of mystery and a God of incomprehensible depth. God cannot be put in a box, God cannot be predicted, and He cannot be fully understood.
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! (Romans 11:33)
Dear friends, please, note that the word “perish” in Isaiah 57:1 was not referring to worldly people, it was referring to the righteous. The God of love, the God of compassion, the God of depth and the God of wisdom gives room for the righteous to perish for reasons only best known to Him. More so, God also would allow good and “…merciful men…” (these are men that are much better than average men) to be taken at a time or in a way that most people would not expect.
Are you confused?
Well, these are the things that make God God, and friends, you better not question Him!
“…none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.” There are things God is seeing that no man is seeing. At any given point in any tragic story and in all unfathomable misfortunes, there is something that God is seeing which you are not seeing. When we only consider our own point of view, we are not always aware of the blind spots in our understanding. This lack of understanding often leads to confusion, disillusionment and disappointment. The passage above tells us that we should consider that maybe these men are actually taken away from some form of evil that is to come. This evil could be global or personal. If you could only see behind the scenes as God sees, you might end up rejoicing about what you had earlier called tragic.
One person made reference to Jacob, (Genesis 49:1) and said,
“Jacob, when he was about to die, died by gathering the members of his family and prophesying over them, and praying for them before passing. How can such a great Man of God like Myles Munroe, die in such a tragic and sudden way-so different than someone like Jacob”.
I would like to point out that the way you die really doesn’t matter in the context of “eternity.” When someone leaves this physical world it is really us who are left that are more concerned about how the death occurred.
As far as having a chance to bless your family before passing, Dr. Myles had been doing that for the past 30 years! He had been prophesying and praying for his spiritual children, and for his physical children, and did not need any of the ceremonial family blessing before he departed.
This was just the lifestyle that Dr. Myles lived regularly. He probably did that the last Sunday before the tragic incident. He lived this way on a regular basis.
However, the question remains; why should his death be so tragic?
It is important to note that as soon as your spirit leaves your body you are just as whole as when you were in the flesh, except that you are much younger, more attractive, and perfect. You are now in a “glorified body.” No matter how good looking you were here on earth, no matter how whole you think you were in your physical body, it will hardly compare to your glorified body. In your own eyes, your earthly body will be as ugly to you as someone’s body who suffered some kind of tragic death. As a Pastor for over 20 years, I have listened to stories of individuals who have had extraordinary experiences surrounding death and the life after.
I remember one particular story of a woman who died in her hospital bed. She was a young woman who was quite fashionable and beautiful in her earthly body. However, when she suddenly left her body she found herself standing on the rooftop looking down at the doctors and family members around her body. Now standing on the roof she said to herself,
“What has happened?” She desperately began reaching down trying to touch her family members. As she looked down at the body on the bed she said,
“Who is that...?’’
She then realized that the body she was seeing was her own, but couldn’t believe that she looked so unattractive!
The reality is that while we are in the flesh we think that we are something beautiful. However, if you were to compare your earthly body to the beauty of all things heavenly, it could hardly compare! In reality no matter how good-looking you are in your earthly body, or how complete you are in the flesh, when your spirit leaves your body it is like letting a bird fly after being caged for years. This is the same in the case of Dr. Myles Munroe. Once you are released from your earthly body, you will take your full breathe, and feel the freedom and the fullness of true life.
In actuality, God never promised anyone that they are going to die surrounded by family peacefully, in ideal conditions. I definitely don’t agree with the assumption that the death of Dr. Myles is a result of him having done something wrong or that he was in sin or false doctrine. Having known him personally, I am certain that he lived a full life and accomplished a great work, and has gone to receive his eternal reward.
Some people have been saying, “If you claim that Dr. Myles has lived a full life, what do you say about his youth Pastor who also died in the airplane crash? What do you say about the youth Pastor’s son who was only 5 years old? What about the other people on board that plane? Did they live a full life too?”
I am going to address it more fully in my next article “…STILL WHY DIE SO YOUNG?”, however let me slightly touch on this now. Why would God allow the lives of some people to be taken so early? I of course cannot say that I have the full understanding into the mind of God on the subject, but I hope that some of my explanations will be able to bring peace and solace to people who are sincerely seeking to understand why God would allow these kinds of things to happen to Christians.
One perspective is that death is going to come to us all anyways.
Every individual eventually needs to get home, and to be set free from their earthly body, one way or the other. Think of it like being in a prison all of your life and finally being set free from that prison of a body! It really doesn’t matter whether God uses this way or that way to open that heavenly door for you. For the person who is dead, they just want to get out of that prison! Heaven is our home, heaven is our liberty, heaven is our freedom, and heaven is our victory. It doesn’t matter how we leave this earth. We are going home, that is what matters.
Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? (1 Cor.15:54,55)
The scriptures promise us that death and the grave would not have the victory. They do not have the last word. God has the last word. I have seen many comments from people saying that God must have killed Dr. Munroe or that Satan must have killed him. The reality is death did not take Dr. Myles Munroe – God did. From the above scripture, the Bible affirms to us that death will not have the victory. The final victory does not belong to the grave. Therefore, death does not have the last word - it is clear that God has the last word. I don’t believe that Dr. Myles and the team`s home going was a victory to death or to the grave. The Bible already told us that Satan and death do not have the victory.
So death for us, believers, is victory.
It is a liberation.
It is a triumph.
It is a home going.
It is the way we go to our reward.
It is the way for us to receive our trophy.
According to Hebrews 2:14 Christ in His death swallowed up death. Therefore, I do not submit to the notion that this is in any way a victory for the enemy. No, but JUST LIKE CHRIST IN HIS DEATH, WE TOO IN OUR DEATH AND BY OUR DEATH DEFEAT DEATH. I think our death at any age is a victory for the Kingdom of God and a new beginning for the work of God on the earth. Let God decide when it is time for each of us to go home to his or her reward.
If you feel in any way that this perspective is contrary to what we believe scripturally, then what will you say about the early Christians? What will you say about Paul? Paul died a violent death, Peter died a violent death, James died a violent death. All the disciples of Jesus, (with the exception of one - John) died this way. All the others died a tragic and violent death. Some of the early Christians were fed to the lions, or thrown into drums of oil and roasted alive. These were considered some of the most righteous people in their generation, and were even considered to be “saints” by some. In the end, history has taught us that it does not matter how you leave this world, except that we be ready to leave this world at any time, that is what matters.
A good name is better than precious ointment; and THE DAY OF DEATH THAN THE DAY OF ONE'S BIRTH. (Ecclesiastes 7:1)
I believe the above scripture is quite clear. From the other side, and from heaven`s perspective, they actually see the day of death as being more precious than the day of one’s birth, just like a good name is better than precious ointment.
However from this side of heaven we tend not to rejoice about one`s day of death, but rather we rejoice about one`s day of birth. Ecclesiastes 7:1 says it is the opposite and that it is supposed be the other way around. What really calls for rejoicing is when you depart this sinful world not minding what age you are being delivered from evil. This is because you are going to your reward, and you are claiming victory over death and being received by your eternal home. Tell me, friends, what is so bad about all this? We must learn to see from God`s perspective, and to see how God sees. We must be less sensual and strive to become more spiritual! At the end of the day God decides when we come into this world and He decides when we leave it!
Dr. Myles, I am proud of you! On behalf of Christians everywhere, WE are proud of you. What you have accomplished for the Kingdom of God in this life is what matters. It does not matter how you left this world, but rather, what extraordinary footprint you left in it.
That is the question we should be laboring over - what footprint will we leave in this life? Dr. Myles left a wonderful, larger than life footprint and it is going to live forever through his books, messages and concepts. Like Dr. Munroe often said, “The richest place in the world is the grave yard, or cemetery” and “the greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without purpose.” These kinds of things spoken by Dr. Munroe now testify, and speak louder than anything else...
What Pastor Sunday Adelaja Said about Myles Munroe
- I, like most dwellers of our planet woke up to this crude and shocking news that Dr.Myles Munroe and his beloved wife Ruth have left this earth in a tragic plane crash.
- Dr.Myles and his wife have impacted my life, ministry and our whole Russian speaking world in such a way that it`s difficult to imagine.Dr.Myles Munroe was not just a Pastor, Teacher and Minister of the gospel. Dr.Myles was first of all a Man, he was a real man, a complete person, a genuine human being. He is a man that genuinely worked hard to transform himself so much that he reflects the image and likeness of God. Myles Munroe makes you feel like you are his peer. He makes you feel welcome, he does everything to make you feel at home.I feel I should share the story of the first time I met him in 1999. He and Ruth came to our ministry here at the Embassy of God, Kiev, Ukraine, for the very first time. However a few days before his arrival I was down with chickenpox. Of course, with that kind of infection I needed to be isolated. But Dr.Myles insisted on seeing me and when he came into the room I asked him to stay away from me since I did not want him to get infected, but instead of that, he came right at me hugging me. What he said was even more amazing. He said: “…rub those wounds on my skin, rub your body against my body because we are brothers, we are covenant brothers, we are brothers keepers”, he said, “let your problem become my problem, let your challenge become my challenge, let`s share this chickenpox together, let`s carry the burden together…” I was like WHAT!!! What is this man doing? But from that day Myles Munroe won my heart, he quickly became one of my closest Friends on earth, a Confidant, Teacher, Senior Brother, Colleague, Partner, and just a Trusted Friend.Then a day later, when the conference began I made another discovery of this ONE IN A LIFETIME PERSONALITY. I discovered that Myles Munroe is a Teacher, at first I was perplexed that even though I never heard this man and I think he never heard me, but yet how come we are talking the same language? I never heard anybody preaching such a similar message as I preached. To hear Dr.Myles Munroe do it with such brilliance and eloquence totally impressed me. I think preachers will understand me when I say, at a point you get to a place when it is difficult to find who to listen to, but from that week till date Myles Munroe became one of a few people in the world whom I can readily listen to and take away something for myself.Myles Munroe, oh, did he shake my world!!! After his messages, testimonies and words in our church I vowed to discover God for myself in a new way, he sparked a new hunger in me, that drove me to God and self-education like never before, after which my ministry took to a totally different dimension. We started to have social, economic and political influence, just as he taught us. Members of our church began to discover and pursue their purpose, - and then the explosion began.Let me tell you another story about the humanity of this great giant of God. Each time I met Dr.Myles, you won`t believe this, but he runs towards me with his arms wide opened like for a warm embrace, then falls on his knees with his head bowed down. This is one of the biggest acts of humility you will ever see, especially coming from such a renowned personality like Dr.Myles Munroe.Dr.Myles paid a great price to keep coming to Ukraine to help us build a world-class church. He was embarrassed many times by the customs at the point of entrance, yet, brotherly love prevailed on him to overlook all the hindrances and challenges that it takes to partner with a brother and to help a friend. When the attacks on me and our church from the Ukrainian government became very fierce with all forms of false accusations, allegations, court cases and threats, Dr.Myles was constantly keeping in touch despite his busy schedule to assure us of his prayers. Even though I could not travel out of Ukraine of late, Dr.Myles was always sending messages to find out how I was doing etc.The last I heard of Myles Munroe was last month when he sent a message through a common friend who was visiting Ukraine from Israel where Dr.Myles was speaking. He wanted me to know he was coming to see me soon and he said, “tell Pastor Sunday, he is the most strategic person I have ever met, I will be with him there soon”...Today I discovered that I am no more going to be privileged to receive the embrace of my brother anymore on this side of the ocean.Dr.Myles, as it were, I can see that you are no more the one going to be with me soon, but rather I soon will be with you, – in our heavenly Father`s home.Rest in peace my FriendRest in peace my BrotherRest in peace my ConfidantRest in peace my InspirationRest in peace God`s GeneralRest in peace Teacher of menRest in peace the Man of purpose.You have lived a full life, poured out to humanity, great shall be your reward. Rest well, Dr.Myles Munroe. Adieu, Dr.Ruth Munroe, until we all meet again at the bosom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Your Friend and Brother,Pastor Sunday and Bose AdelajaKiev, Ukraine
A Birthday Tribute to Mom by Lara Adejuwon
![]() |
Mrs. Adejuwon |
Mum!, as I fondly call her especially when food is involved (that is what daddy thinks anyways ) is the best play mate I can ever ask God for.
You need to see us when she tickles me or when I hug her and tell her "mum, I've missed you".
She's a woman that brings smile to my face and to the faces of many of my friends.
She's so hospitable, all my daddy's friends know this.
She's a decent fashionista.
She knows when red is the only color that matches green.
She knows when to combine yellow and blue.
I think you all need to be there when she chooses the right dress and shoes to wear to events.
She's a friend to the whole family. Daddy, Hope I am speaking your mind?
The youths that have tasted her Efo know that it's the best in town.
She's the true picture of the Proverbs 31 woman because according to verse 28, as her child, I arise and call her blessed and daddy also praises her.
Then verse 31 says we all should give her the reward She has earned and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
We love you and we are happy to share this Golden moment with you.
And now finally, I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.
I pray we all witness your 60, 70, 80 ati beebee lo.
Best Regards,
Adejuwon Omolara.
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Readers' Forum and The Great Minds: Committed to Building Lives
On 25th October, 2014 the fourth anniversary of the Great Minds, an annual inter-secondary school event was celebrated.
Great Minds is the brainchild of Readers’ Forum, an organisation with the vision of building a reading culture on the African continent. The modus operandi of Readers’ Forum is to create libraries in secondary schools, thereby giving students access to motivational and life-building books, and holding meetings with the students where the books they have read are reviewed. Currently, Readers’ Forum is in six (6) schools in Lagos State and one (1) in Oyo State.
The 4th edition of the Great Minds, tagged The Great Minds 4, had in attendance over 100 teenagers from six (6) schools: Holy Saviour’s College, Isolo; Isolo Junior High School; QS-Daystar College, Igando; Great Ecstasy College, Iyanapaja; SMA College, Jakande Estate, Isolo and Access Universal College, Shasha, Lagos.
The programme featured different talk sessions led by various speakers including Oluwafemi-Impact, founder, Readers’ Forum; Mrs. Sanni Gbonjubola, author of ABC of Financial Intelligence for Kids and Mr. Rotimi Eyitayo, CEO Team Masters Limited.
During his session, Oluwafemi-Impact engaged some teenagers on their career ambition with a view to helping them have a clearer picture of what they hope to do in life. Mrs. Gbonjubola, who gave a talk on financial intelligence, encouraged the teenagers to make and save money even in their teenage years. In her words, “It is not necessary that we purchase all that we need at the moment, else it will be impossible to save money for the future”. Mr. Rotimi Eyitayo also added glamour to the event through his talk in which he encouraged the teenagers to reach for greatness. Afterward, he gave cash awards to two students.
Other activities that took place at the event included poem recitation, singing, dancing, comedy, talent and essay competitions and presentations of awards and certificate of participation.
The Great Minds 4 was supported by:
- Josolus Hall, Isolo - 08035626554
- La Cuisine events and Hospitality – 08035350724
- Dodge9jaTV (Video Coverage) – 08023264995
- Royal Media Photography – 08066797639
- Home Of Comfort Makeovers - 08036782504
- Royal Priesthood Dry-cleaners – 08037201030
Monday, 3 November 2014
Step-by-Step Guide to Studying in Germany in English for FREE!
Hey! I am happy to continue discussion with you guys on the possibility of achieving your career and personal goals by studying in Germany. Since the past 48 hours that I posted my first blog on “Study in Germany in English for FREE!”, I have received lots of mails and questions from people who have strong interest in taking up this rare opportunity…and of course funny mails too like: “You are good-looking guy, can you send me your number” 
In any case, I am particularly excited to be sharing more with everyone on these yet-to-be-overloaded opportunities! There are less than 20 Nigerian students in my University and much lesser in other schools in Germany…so, guys…opportunities abound for admissions and for jobs! You should also note that most German Universities are being consistently ranked among the best Universities in the world, so, you will be receiving top-quality education and a degree highly regarded anywhere in the world.
In this blog I will be answering some major questions in a clear, concise and precise way. If I do it well – and I will do my best, I hope you guys will come away enthused and have most of your concerns unraveled. This is a step-by-step guide from seeking admissionsto settling down in Germany to commence your study.
Step 1: Find the right school for your preferred course
The first step is for you to find the schools that offer the kind of courses you will like to study. In cases where student do not know exactly what courses to study, you can do a broad search of study areas e.g. Sciences, Social Sciences, Arts etc. In my last blog I dwelt majorly on this step. Kindly refer to the blog here. A very important online tool that will guide your search can be found in this link.
Step 2: Review the School’s requirements and Apply
Now you have found your preferred University for your course. Next step is to find out if you meet the requirements of the University. Generally, to get accepted at a German university you have to apply well in advance. The International Students Office of the University will consider your application to make sure you meet all the requirements for admission, including evidence of your previous academic records. These requirements vary with Universities and course. Your best option here is to read directly from the course-webpages on the University’s website. Most University will however require that you have an academic achievement of about 65% – 75% of the total attainable grade (e.g. 70% connotes a CGPA of 3.5/5.0 in Nigeria)
To study at a German university you will need a higher-education entrance qualification. You need a secondary-school certificate that corresponds to the German standard. To apply for undergraduate studies (to get a Bachelor’s degree) you will require a school-leaving certificate for example your high-school diploma or, if required in your home country, proof that you have passed the university entrance examination.
While for admission at a post-graduate level (Master’s or PhD program) you need a recognition of your university degree from your home country or another country.
Language Issues:
One major obstacle for international students who want to study in Germany is the language barrier. However, this only affects students whose course will be taught in German (i.e. in case your course is not offered by any University in English Language). Still, this is not much of a big deal. There is the possibility of taking German course for 6months or 1year before the commencement of your studies.
Some Universities may request a proof/certificate of English Language proficiency e.g. IELTS, TOEFL etc. (In many cases, WAEC certificate is sufficient for West Africans.) Kindly confirm the details of this with your contact person in the University before applying.
Step 3: Visa Regulations and Funding your Study
This is perhaps the most crucial part of completing your study application process. Before you are ready to travel, you will need to get through the Embassy. You will need to produce proof that you will have enough means to support yourself for one year in Germany during your studies. The Embassy will require a proof of approximately EUR 8,000 before you can be granted a visa. However, there are several ways in which you can prove this, such as by:
- Proof of Scholarship awarded – in case you have a scholarship
- Bank deposit in a blocked German account
- Somebody from Germany will provide for you.
Make sure to prepare and submit your visa application and all necessary documents, well in advance of your studies since the visa application process may take up to 4 – 7 weeks.
Remember that if you enter Germany without a visa or with a Schengen visa, you will have to leave the country after 90 days, since it is not possible to extend your short-stay visa to a student visa. So please bear in mind that if you wish to study in Germany you need to get a student visa before you leave your home country and not enter Germany on a tourist visa.
Step 4: In preparation to travel
Issues regarding preparing for your stay in Germany will be covered in a later blog. Please stay tuned.
However, I will like to shed more light here as regards working as a student in Germany.
There are many opportunities to work alongside your studies. This may vary depending on your area of study/specialization. There are generally more opportunities for students in IT, Engineering and social sciences. Another important determinant here is your dexterity.
If you are not a citizen of the EU or the EEA, you are normally allowed to work up to 120 full days or 240 half days per year. Students can take jobs as research assistants, student assistants and jobs in industries (max. 20 hours per week). Bear in mind that it may take two or four months before you obtain work and start to be paid. I will advise students not to work during their first few months (especially Bachelor students), trust me, you will need some time to understand the system of education in Germany.
If this blog is relevant to you, kindly share it with others. Someone out there needs this information more than you do. I am still available to answer more questions and shed more light on areas of concern. My name is Kehinde Fawumi. Feel free to contact me (
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